Wednesday, September 21, 2011

new duds

Aunty Savani brought over three beautiful dresses that she made for the girls yesterday.  

Don't they look CUTE?
Thank you Savani!! The girls LOVE them!

And speaking of new duds. . .

My mom got Wayne his birthday present early this year

He said it's EXACTLY what he wanted (and that's a direct quote! haha)

Thank you Mom!


gramma peggy said...

Love the girls' new dresses! Very cute....

AND Wayne's new Vera Bradley!

Le'o Hafoka said...

oh my word, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dresses! they look so great on the girls! Great job, Savani!! (as usual)

Line said...

LOVE the dresses! Savani really is so talented. And I love wayne's new purse! Hahaha

daveandsavani said...

thanks mary for posting pictures. now i can steal them and put them in my porfolio =).