Thursday, July 10, 2008

HAWAII TRIP - friends are friends forever

It was so nice to see my friends after so long. . . myspace and blogging can only catch you up so much. Everyone is doing so well and I realized how much I love and miss them all. I'm so blessed to have the best friends in the world.
Titi and Miki - If this was a piece of artwork and I had to name it, I'd call it "S, XL, XS". Titi is pregnant and due in January and is having a FUN time with the worst case of morning sickness I've ever seen. Miki is due in August with a baby girl they've named Kiena. So nice to see you girls!!
Keaka - Congrats on GRADUATING!! She came over and brought a full on picnic FEAST for a day in the sun - such a mom right? It was deeee-licious. Her kids, Kaylee and Kahler had fun in the pool and made friends with Malia.
Pewa - ho! nice your vertical! Thanks for keeping Sili and Tali busy peppering and watching Oprah with me.
Harmony - at Ted's Bakery. Reminds of back in the day when we would drive all the way there just to get a piece of carrot cake and chocolate haupia pie. yummy! Malia and Ahonui hit it right off too.

I'm glad I got to see, but I wish I'd gotten pics of Leimana (thanks for walking the circle with me. What IS your secret on weight loss?), Ellen Gay and Talagu (I love you two like sisters. Thank you for ALL the memories and for all your help on this trip), Larie (you look SO good girl. Marriage suits you!), Penny, Vili, Norcie and Ega (you guys haven't aged a day. It was sooo nice to see yous), Uila (girl, you ARE a survivor. I'm so glad we ran into each other. How was the $200 groceries?), Sarah (thanks for taking the girls to swap meet!), the Porters (my haole family in laie. Can't wait till Dillon gets home!), Maria (girl, you work the pregnancy!! I'll call you when I'm going crazy with two infants around) and Inoke (VECINO! keep me updated on you-know-what! lol). As for Hazel and Lono - I'm so bummed I missed you guys, but I hope you have choke fun in Hawaii!!

My friends are the greatest! I love you guys!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Mary and Wayne! We are stoked that you found us, it is fun to see the pics of your sweet family. It seems like you were just pregnant with your first, and here you are working on number 2:) We are happy that you could have so much fun in Hawaii, we wish it was easier for us to get there! We hope Utah is treating you well, we miss it already, but are loving Florida too. Anyways, much love to you!
Erin and Lincoln