Thursday, June 30, 2011

a wedding in california

In May, Wayne's cousin, Alisi, got married in California so we went down for the weekend to be at the wedding.  It was a fun trip - short and sweet.  The highlight for me was meeting so many of Wayne's first cousins that I'd never met before. The wedding was beautiful (of course, because Aunty Isa did it) and I was glad we were able to support.

The happy couple - Alisi and Hansen Sekona

Baby Tali at the reception

Wayne and Kina at the seafood buffet we went to after the wedding. So Yummy (and I don't even like seafood!)

Me and baby Tali

The Unga family - Wayne's uncle, aunty, first cousins and their kids.

PS. Thanks for the pics LIZETTE POPE PHOTOGRAPHY!! hehe

1 comment:

Angeles said...

omgeezy! is that mata biting the baby's arm in the last photo?! HILARIOUS! lol.