Wednesday, July 16, 2008

honestly. . .it's SICKening!

So, as punishment for having such a fun time in Hawaii, Malia, Wayne and I all got sick at the same time.

It started early Monday morning when Malia woke up vomiting. She threw up two huge pieces of steak, which Wayne had fed her the night before when I wasn't looking. Yeah, I know . . . THAAT'S NICE!! Anyways, because of the gigantic pieces of steak it didn't even cross my mind that she was SICK instead I thought she had just been CHOKING. . .of course, that changed after a few more throw ups and a lot of diarrheaing. After a quick trip to the doctor we found out it was the stomach flu which was going around the kid community. Later, Wayne and I also caught the virus - which was just fabulous. But, you know what they say - the family thats sick together, sticks together!!

1 comment:

Vika said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that you all got sick. How fun with your new house... Hope you all get better soon.