Thursday, June 30, 2011

gramma peggy in california

We've been planning this trip forever and I'm so happy we got to finally do it.  On June 22, we went to visit my Gramma Peggy in California.  Inoke and Tali (who also have Delta benefits) came too.  We all had a blast.  My Gramma lives in Los Gatos.  I remember going there every summer as a child - it was the highlight of the year.  Her house is just so . . . special.  It's at the top of a hill in the most serene setting you could imagine.  There's a pool, a toy room, and lots of interesting things throughout her house that I loved to look at as a child.  She has pictures everywhere (old and new) and I always loved studying each one.  I have fond memories of swimming all day with my siblings then eating lunch outside while we warmed ourselves in the sun.  Gramma always stocked her cupboards with yummy foods that kids love (which we never got at home) like Honey Nut Cheerios, chips and cookies. Ah! I LOVE Grammas house and was so excited to take my family there for their first visit.

The trip was so fun.  Gramma had prepared so well - there was food in the fridge, toys in the playroom, tubes for the pool and even plastic sheets for the girls bed.  She was the hostess to the mostess and we definitely felt loved.  We spent each day swimming, hanging out and eating - three of my favorite things! haha It was especially nice to see the girls get to know their great-grandma.  They love her already!

The girls LOVED the toys and playroom.

Gramma got some of those arm floaties for the girls.  They've never worn them before but I don't think we'll swim without them again.  Malia especially, LOVED the independence.  She swam back and forth the length of the pool over and over again. 

Gramma Peggy and Malia

Malia and Kina ringing the dinner bells . . . even though it was like, 11 AM

After swimming laps, Malia took little snoozes on the pool beds.


The favorite toy of the week - Melissa and Dougs Sandwich set - it has dozens of different sandwich makings and seriously, it provided hours on end of enjoyment. 

One night at dinner Amalani fell asleep in between bites. So cute.

Gramma Peggy and baby Tali - I love this pic!

Thank you so much for the wonderful trip Gramma! We had so much fun! We love you!

1 comment:

Angeles said...

seriously!! what kid dreams of knowing someone who knows someone who owns a pool in their backyard?!! AND YOU HAVE A GRAMMA THAT DOES?! LUCKY DUCKY!